Friday, November 05, 2010

Stirling HDB Terrace - #255 DRILLING!

After some spinning mop! It's time for some noisy drilling!!!
Hubs sure enjoyed his drilling fun since it's the first time for him. *zoom zoom* I think he feels like a very capable handyman, climbing up and down on our IKEA 2 step stool, a big drill in his hands, looking all very busy and important. Yup.

Yes...I need you to drill 2 holes in the wall to put my curtain up. Yes yes, without you, I'm really lost.
Hmm, have you ever since a male bird fluffing up his chest feathers, trying to look big+fluffy and important. I think it appears to hubs chest now!

Look at the tools he has spread on the floors. Messy! Oh wells, as long as he gets the curtain up, cleans and tidy up his tools, have a good time doing all the manly work. YAY for me!

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