Thursday, September 05, 2013

FLASH FLOOD at Commonwealth Ave!!!!

This morning when i got out of my house and open my gate, I had a shock! The water level was so high that it has gone pass my open drain! The rainwater was above my ankles! And when we got to the carpark, our car was almost "swimming". Lucky the rainwater has not reached the exhaust pipe yet. So hubs was able to drive it to higher grounds where the water wasn't so deep.
hubs with his jeans folded up

hubs taking a photo
Jules with a towel over his head because the brolly was leaking

Flash Flood at Commonwealth Ave
This was taken this morning when we were bringing Jules over to my parents place. The entire road was blocked with plastic white and orange barricades, but the funny thing was, it was "floating" around in the flood!!!!


  1. pearly11:00 pm

    oh my!! really fortunate that you were able to move the car before the flood waters really to it!

    1. yup! very lucky although hope Singapore will have fewer of these flash floods as they cause traffic jams and bring inconveniences to many. :(
