Thursday, September 05, 2013

Reno@Yishun - Pre Reno Photos

Some Pre-Reno photos of the Yishun Flat which we are about to call for quotations from the contractors. Reno is going to start first week of October. As it's a very new flat, there's very little builder's work involved here, mainly electrical work and carpentry. So we are targeting to finish the reno works before christmas!!!

We are DEFINITELY going to do something about this gate.
Although the couple seems ok with it, but i really hate the "abacus" look. Can you see those "beady" things on the vertical stripes of the gate? And there are swirls too!!!

here's an overview of the living room, we will need to lay the floor tiles here as the couple has chosen not to have HDB floor tiles and doors in this BTO exercise.
Here's an overview of the dining area, we are going to do a small little hack into the wall to bring more light into the kitchen. Fengshui master (FSM) also said the same thing, also he mentioned that if we are going to put a door to the kitchen, best to use a glass door to bring in more light.
Hubs holding onto his head here, previously we thought the small niche on the left of the door was the db then now on site, we realised that it's really a niche!!! there's nothing there and to the right of the door is the db!!! which is so big and we wanted to put the shoe cabinet there!!!! ALAMAK.
Above is the view of the master. quite small but still bigger than most condominiums. Bigger than the ones I'm doing.

Side track a little, things are so busy at work because the main contractor is on board now and next week on, I'm moving to site with my bulging tummy!!! and I'm still haven't finish checking all my kitchen and carpentry drawings!!! Anyway I'm being very kiasu and ganchiong, piling haven't even started yet.
Above: another view of the master where we are going to put the tv console here. Anyway the tv point is already set here. So all's good.
Above: view of the long corridor. we have to lay tiles here and do some false ceiling or cove lights to light up this corridor. And no doors, so we got to buy new doors too.
 Above: view of bedroom 3. We will leave this room empty and just lay tiles.
Above: View of bedroom 2. Going to add the walk in wardrobe here and study table. Going to lay the floor tiles then start on the electrical wirings and carpentry later.
Common bathroom. I don't like the small accent wall tiles at the shower area. Actually I really hate it.
I told the couple that we should do an alcove out to put their shower items and lay a similar colour tile over this then add a glass shower screen to prevent water from splashing out to the WC and sink area.
The sink is also another eye-sore, which the couple agreed too. But we told them that it's such a waste to buy another sink. We'll just make do with this one and do a nice mirror box above. Below the sink, there's really not much we can do here to hide the "pedestal" of the sink. i think open shelving is the best. Something from IKEA might work.
Above: Master toilet. Same small accent wall tiles. Seriously, have you seen this kind of brown grey small tiles in 5star hotel bathrooms at all? HDB thinks that Singaporeans don't travel often is it? How can they propose this kind of toilet tiles for home buyers? They should just leave it plain and simple. Maybe mosaic might be nicer. For the sink, the couple really want to change for the master. So we think it's better that way too.
 Household shelter is tiled. and quite a good choice of tile I must say! NICE!
Here's a look at the kitchen where the FSM say it's too dark, must bring in more light. So we will try to hack a window opening to the left of the bifold door to bring more light in from the yard. But HDB puts a powerpoint there!!! And we don't want to touch that electrical wiring. So the window on the left will be higher than the right which I told the couple and they said they didn't mind. Sigh, actually what can they do right since HDB already put the powerpoint there.
Furthermore, behind this wall is the water pipe and powerpoint for the washer too! So it's definitely involves the electrician and plumber if we want to hack the window opening to match the one on the right.
Here's a look at the yard, see the water tap on the left? that's where the window opening is suppose to be if it was to flush with the window on the right.

above: view of kitchen from yard.

stay tune for the 4room Yishun transformation!

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