Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Reno@Hougang Maisonette - The lighting saga continues

The pebble wash is installed over the weekend while we were in HK and it's looking so nice! Now leaves the carpentry works and minor painting touching up.

Here's a look at the 2 track lights at the entrance area where it will shine at the shoe cabinet. Photo on the right is in the walk in pantry area. I think the ducting works are not bad really, with the white paint, you can actually live with it yah?
Ceiling for the kitchen needs to be touched up again because initially, the plan was to have 3 ceiling lights but now it's down to 2, so the electrician had to rewire all the ducting again to equi-distance the lights.

 Ceiling light for the yard area with a peek at the retro ventilation blocks. cool!!!
 Next we have the light in the staircase store installed too, all the extra tiles are placed neatly there.

 Powder room - light installed!

 balcony lights installed too!

here's how it looks with the lights turn on, think it will look better in the night time. haha.

taduh - i give you the staircase!!! They are done in wood tiles with a 45 deg angle cut and joint also known as the mitre joint, complete with black vertical railings.
 ceiling fan switch installed too


  1. sweeet9:35 am

    I love the powder room light! love love love~ *heart* where did you source that from? able to share?

    1. Hi sweeet, I asked the homeowner already, will let you know soon! :)

  2. Hi Sweeet,

    here's the link from Iron Lady Chef:

    she bought it online from Taobao. :)
