Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Reno@Kovan Maisonette - Plastering and tiling works

 view of balcony and yard - all plastered! and new rubbish chute is in as well!
 beading up too!

 store room wall fully plastered, leaving the floor now. Bath downstairs - tiling in progress.

left: remember i was mentioning about the room looking all pre-war? well, after plastering, it's looking so smooth like a young lady again!
right: that's the old "stickered" wall!!! - it's like putting on make-up right?? heavy foundation, covers all the blemishes!

tiling works in the common bath area and feature wall. The hubs likes a stone textured wall for the bathroom.

 master bath tiling works still in progress, while the other parts of the master room has been plastered almost 80%. Rem the sticky pile of sand and cement? Well, the floor is smooth now!

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