Saturday, October 19, 2013

Halloween Party@ Stirling!!!!

DIY paper Halloween Bunting
I'm getting ready for my 1st Halloween Party at my place for the coming weekend!!! Really excited about it as I always been wanting to organize one but just didn't manage to do so. Usually we end up doing a Christmas party instead.

For starts, I did some DIY paper buntings where I did my own prints and printed on my printer and strung them all together with a string.

Then I went shopping at Daiso and got the children a treat or trick bag as party bags! Bought each of them a dracula cape too!!! Next I'm going to stuff the party bags with lots of treats!!! YAY!

We are planning on doing a potluck for the coming Halloween Party cos with Jules around, it's hard to do a full course dinner, so gotta spread the cooking load around!
Hubs is planning on doing roasted chicken and I'm going to do an EyeBALL Fruit Punch and RIP corn muffins. hahaha...hope everything turns well and will post some photos to show!!!

stay tune for more halloween updates from us!
Pumpkin decor from Daiso

Treat or Trick bag and Dracula Cape

Pumpkin candle light holder for my table

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