Saturday, October 19, 2013

Reno@Kovan Maisonette - Updates

The homeowners have gotten themselves a new roller shutter in to prevent the rain as well as some creepy crawlies like lizards and cockroaches as the missus is very afraid of them.
 Here's how it looks together with the sliding window below the shutters.
For the Patio, the concrete base for the washer is completed with the floor tiles and it's looking quite decent now. I'm sure it will look really nice after a good wash.

Above: some photos of the cove lights for the false ceiling, all laid neatly in the Patio Installation of the false ceiling is currently in progress now.
Above: False ceiling in the kitchen. And it hides the black insulated air con pipe from the study room to the living area. The only good thing i suppose!
And we have 2 DB meters here because of the numerous electrical wirings we have for this maisonette. This is another problem!!! Because the contractor had purchased a new db box that is loaded top and bottom instead of 2 separate db box being put side by side, our cove lights here have a slight problem because the door swing of the db is so big that we will need to cut a big hole in the false ceiling to allow the db box to be open from left to right!!! ARGH.

And we cant shift it inside the study area because of the column on the right and can't shift to left because of the column on the left!

More photos of the beautiful parquet staircase. The parquet is actually quite expensive so the homeowners are going for the smaller piece parquet for the staircase threads and the long pieces of parquet for the staircase risers.

I think it's every penny's worth.

 above: side view of the beautiful long parquet strips.
 above: the horrible big DB box that caused some hiccups.
 Parquet installed in all the 3 bedrooms upstairs
Above: The master room false ceiling is completed! and the water heater is installed and hidden in the false ceiling too.

 cove light holder installation in progress for bedroom 2
 Bedroom 3's cove lights are done!

False ceiling is almost completed in both the toilets too! I think it's about 90% completed, now leaving the pelmet area.
 above: a closer look at the false ceiling in the common bath.

Above: closer look at the joint details of the long strip parquet for the staircase.

stay tune for more updates of the kovan staircase!!!
there's more to come.


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