Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Reno@Kovan Maisonette - Lighting works

Today the down lights are almost all up. The owner has purchased LED downlights for all the false ceiling areas.
Here's a look at the kitchen ceiling and common bath upstairs ceiling. All the round LED downlights are up!

Above left: Common bath ceiling lights and right is hubs checking the light at the staircase landing. The owner has purchased a simple square white down and up light for both staircase landing.

We are using T&J switches for the Kovan Maisonette. The touch for turning on and off is quite nice.
Above is how the down light for the staircase looks like with the top cover lid is on, so you can't see the top light yet.

Foyer area upstairs with 2 downlights at the entrance of the common bath and here's how the common bath looks like with the LED lights turned on. We are using warm white(daylight) lighting for all the downlights here.

last but not least, with all the downlights turned on at the kitchen area.

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