Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reno@Yishun - Tiling works in progress

Hello peeps!
The tiling works at the Yishun flat is about 70% completed now, leaving the master and bathroom areas. Here's looking at the entrance threshold where we are putting a pebble wash here, so there's no tiling works here.
Closer look, nearer to the window of the living area, there's still abit left of tiling works to be completed. Cabling works are also in progress now.
Corridor leading into the individual bedrooms, tile work complete and protected. Right photo above is the location of the original master door where we shifted to the new location so that we can have a walk in wardrobe area.

Above: the floor tiles in the bedroom 3.
Bathroom alcove wall is up too, now waiting for the tiling works.

closer look at the wood tiles we have chosen for the Yishun flat.
Above left: that's the new wall and door to the walk in wardrobe, all plastered and waiting for a new coat of paint. Right: relocated door and wall, not plastered yet.

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